Saving on energy costs with a CHP system 

Start saving on energy – without the cost 

Orezten can provide business customers with a free, fully maintained CHP unit(s) via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). 

We fund the entire installation of your CHP unit allowing your business to reap the benefits whilst preserving your capital and significantly reducing your costs. 

What is CHP?

CHP or Combined Heat & Power, is a technology that produces electricity and thermal energy at high efficiencies using a range of technologies and fuels. CHP is an energy-efficient technology that is gaining popularity within the UK as a way to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions.

Our CHP Partner:

With over 17 years of experience supplying, installing, and servicing CHP units. Helec Ltd. are our dedicated partner to help you get the right CHP for you. They will help us make sure your CHP remains in the best condition.

Helec have helped us get CHP units to facilities across the UK in a wide variety of industries, from hotels and leisure, to residential and student apartments, educational and commercial spaces, even hospitals.

Is a CHP right for me?

A CHP is not completely carbon neutral, though it does have much lower emissions than grid power. CHPs are a great option if you don’t have the additional space required for solar panels, but do require access to gas lines or an input of fuel to function.

If you don’t think CHPs are the best solution for you – check out our Solar page  by clicking the button below.

How does a CHP System Work?

Traditionally, power stations generates electricity from the combustion of fossil fuels, which results in wasted heat. A CHP unit generate the electricity onsite and gives the opportunity to use the excess heat for heating, hot water or cooling. This can make a CHP more than twice as efficient as conventional power stations.

Full-Funded PPA

Orezten fund the installation, equipment, infrastructure upgrades and project maintenance and servicing for the entire duration of the PPA. Orezten ains to provide 80-95% of your electrical demand from our decentralised CHP solutions.

Full-Funded PPA

Orezten fund the installation, equipment, infrastructure upgrades and project maintenance and servicing for the entire duration of the PPA. Orezten ains to provide 80-95% of your electrical demand from our decentralised CHP solutions.

Offering Energy Security

Net Zero

Businesses and individuals alike do their part every day to achieve net zero. Reduce your scope 1 and 2 emissions with our energy solutions

Hydrogen Ready

Hydrogen is the fuel of the future, and once the infrastructure is in place, we will help you utilise it for cost-free and emission-free energy

Cost Control

You won’t have to worry about fluctuating energy costs – we will fund everything right from installation and cover your maintenance costs

Benefits include

Reduced costs

Increased capacity

Future stability

Zero CapEx & OpEx

Hydrogen enabled

Reduced emissions

What is a CHP Energy Power Purchase Agreement? 

A PPA is an electricity supply agreement for energy generated on your site. It enables you to have access to lowcost, clean, green energy at no initial or operational cost. 


The PPA term is typically between 5-30 years

The price of the electricity you purchase from an Orezten CHP solution is fixed from day one for the duration of the PPA*

Monthly invoicing and performance reports 

We insure the system at no cost to you 

The system is monitored and maintained for the full duration of the agreement, at no cost to you 

The rights and title to the system will pass to you upon completion of the PPA term 

*subject to minimum annual volume purchases

Get low-cost, low-carbon energy NOW

To find out if your business is ready for low-cost, low-carbon energy, contact us.

Why Orezten? 

For many businesses, the biggest barrier to net-zero is cost. We have our own funding model so designing and installing the right energy solution for your business is available at no cost to you.  

Zero CapEx

We offer installations of energy solutions at no cost to you

Savings on electricity bills

Reduce your energy spend with
Solar and CHP units 

Zero OpEx

We will fully service your energy solutions for the length of the PPA agreement

Long-term protection and forecasting

The price you pay for electricity will only rise in line with the Retail Price Index (RPI) 

Fully Transferable

The rights and title to the system will pass to you upon completion of the PPA term

Our Process

Feasibility Study




Start saving today 

To find out if your business is ready for low-cost, low-carbon energy, contact us.


Our partners have delivered CHP projects all across the UK. To find out how we can help you too, contact us.