Become Carbon Neutral by offsetting your Carbon Footprint

Investing in verifying your products and services to be ‘Carbon Neutral’ can increase revenues and attract more customers.

73% of Gen Z and 50% of Millennials will pay 10% more on a sustainable product or service.

Orezten can calculate the carbon footprint of your products and services, offset the emissions through the retirement of Certified Carbon Credits from the UNFCC, Gold Standard or Verra VCS and verify your products and services as Carbon Neutral to your customers.

What is Carbon Neutral?

According to the European Parliament, Carbon Neutrality is reached when the same amount of CO2 is released into the atmosphere as is removed by offsetting the total Carbon Footprint, leaving a zero balance, also known as a zero carbon footprint. Orezten can MEASURE, OFFSET and VERIFY any product, service or organisation as ‘Carbon Neutral’.

Orezten Credits give you a complete carbon offsetting service from calculation, procurement, retirement and certification, managed in a secure ETS Registry Account.

What are Carbon Offsets?

Primarily, Orezten trade in United Nations certified carbon credits, UNFCC CDM, as they have verified carbon offsetting and through their Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), demonstrate additional quantifiable benefits in developing countries.

Orezten also offer Verra VCS and Gold Standard Carbon Credits from a wide range of Carbon Avoidance (CA)
or Carbon Capture (CC) projects. Carbon Credits are held securely in a UK ETS Registry Account (authorised by the Environmental Agency) in preparation for either retirement against a Carbon Footprint or future reselling back onto the open market.

The Carbon Credits deposited into the ETS Registry Account are transferable, allowing for future trading. When retired, the credits appear back on the certificating body’s publicly available registry for stakeholder auditing purposes.

Carbon Credits are a growing commodity as demand increases faster than supply. After COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021, Carbon Credit prices increased by 20%. Some experts predict that Carbon Credits could reach £40-£60 per tonne by 2030, with some estimating a maturity price of £175 per tonne by 2050.

Working directly with Carbon Credit developers, we are able to secure millions of tonnes of certified Carbon Credits each year, saving you an average of 32% compared to existing sources and up to 75% compared to open-market credit suppliers.


Reduce your
carbon footprint


your brand

Help combat
climate change

Keen to find out more about Carbon Credits?